
Change size of BottomPanel

  • 21 April 2020
  • 5 replies


How do I change the size of the BottomPanel when opening it from javascript?


    extensionPoints: {
      bottomBar: {
        title: 'Timer',
        svgIcon: icon24,
        onClick: () => {


Best answer by Boris Borodyansky 22 April 2020, 08:00

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5 replies

I would like to display an automated timer following a given schedule so each team gets their time to present in the meeting.

It kind of works if you set the height to 200px then only half of the BottomPanel is hidden in presentation mode :)

Userlevel 4
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Unfortunately not possible right now =(


Why would you need it together with presentation mode?

Great, worked fine!

Any idea on how to prevent the BottomPanel from hiding when using Presentation Mode?

Userlevel 4
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Hey Tomas,

You can path parameters for the size right there: 

openBottomPanel(iframeURL: string, options?: {width?: number; height?: number}): Promise<any>


here’s the line in SDK docs that should help:



Userlevel 7
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Hi @Tomas Mundt-Petersen,

I will move your question to the Developer Forum, - you are most likely to get help there :wink:  
