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My client is hoping to create / remove miro users via spreadsheet. In order to acheive this, they need to create occasional users (day passes).

I am aware that occasional users are company level accounts, however I do not see company level endpoints mentioned in the docs. I noticed that the webapp achieves this by making requests to the following endpoint:


Although my calls to the same endpoint are returning 404’s. Consequently, my assumption is that this endpoint is not available for public consumption. Am I correct, and if so do you have any plans to open this up in the future?


Thanks in advance,

Oliver McPheely.

ok, I guess this is covered by

Hi there, any updates on this?

I would need to upgrade a free restricted license to a full license via API ( event is triggered after the user bought a license in our internal shop )


Thanks Boris, I appreciate the prompt response.

hey @olivermcpheely, unfortunately no APIs working on org level right now, as well as no way to manage licenses using API

we have some thoughts and plans on it, will update you as we’re getting closer to development or beta-testing 
