When zoom out on ipad content disappears

Since the 1st June, when I zoom out on the Ipad, some parts of all what I write with the apple pencil  disappears, but not on the computer, it’s very annoying for me and my students. Please can someone from the support give the information to the tech in order to fix it quickly ? TY

7 replies

Userlevel 1

Dear Miro team
I have the same problem and so do many of my students. The problem didn't exist for me yesterday. I used the same boards in class. It's not because of the Wi-Fi connection. It is stable with high performance. I have no idea what happened in the background. But it would be great if you could tackle the problem as quickly as possible. 
Thank you very much
Best regards

I have exactly the same problem. It's exactly as described in this older thread: https://community.miro.com/ask-the-community-45/when-zoom-in-out-some-content-disappears-5950

Dear Miro Team, 

Dear Miro Users, 


Same here since three days. On my iPad Air (5th generation - OS 17.3.1) the content (pen drawings) disappear when I zoom out (example from an old thread https://community.miro.com/ask-the-community-45/when-zoom-in-out-some-content-disappears-5950?postid=52110#post52110


Even at a 100%, all the content still does not appear.


Eventually related to the OS update ? 


Thanks a lot for your insights and resolution !

Best regards, 


This problem is horrible. It started happening to me around 4 days ago. Really hope this can be resolved soon!

Very disconcerting. It makes one believe that the content is deleted. On some of my boards I have to zoom in to 220% to see my content. This is horrible!

Hi @Daniela Schwarz  @anand1  @munens 

Problem resolved here (don’t know how). Ok for you too ? 

Userlevel 1

No, sorry. The problem still exists. In the meantime, I have also tested it on another iPad (a device from our school). The same error appears there too. 

Yes this seems fixed on my end. Appreciate the swift turnaround on this!
