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It seems some elements on a Miro board are ‘lockable’, while others are not. I haven’t yet found out which is which. All I know is I tend to use the lock/unlock a lot with big selected areas of the board, and sometimes I don’t see the lock icon appear… just the eyeball icon. Here’s an example. 

Can anyone assist? 


I wonder if it’s possible for Miro to make all elements lockable? Or provide a better system for those who like to use this feature dynamically/a lot in their practice?

Best wishes and look fwd to any responses


Many thanks @Robert Johnson & @Kiron Bondale - that is clear, now I know what exactly prevents group locking. 


@Kiron Bondale - I just played around a bit and have found that if there is:

  • a card in a Kanban; or
  • any object in a grid

then the locking ability disappears.

In this example, I can lock if the Kanban is empty or the Grid is empty, but not when I add an object to either:


@Mark Wright - A few months ago Miro added the ability to quickly unlock ALL locked objects on a board.

You can get to this by either a locked object’s context menu or right-clicking anywhere on the board and selecting Unlock all:


@Mark Wright -

Certain combinations of objects disable the lock function - for example, a Kanban board with some cards can be locked as can a sticky note, but if you select both the lock icon disappears. Grids also affect lock behavior.

@Robert Johnson - have you done any detailed analysis of which permutations and combinations of objects disable locking/unlocking?
