Miro is not loading for me

  • 18 April 2022
  • 9 replies

Just keeps loading.

Already cleared my cache.

Tried in an incognito window.


Chrome Version 100.0.4896.88 (Official Build) (arm64)

9 replies

I am having the same issue. It loads in incognito, it loads in my other chrome profiles, but when I try to load it in my one work profile, all i get is a white screen.


I have disabled all extensions, I have cleared cache - can anyone solve this?

I also have white screen, nothing visible. I restarted pc, chome is up-to-date, internet is good, miro is loading on every other browser just not in chome.

@Robert Johnson ha! just updated to Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (arm64) and it's working now. Thanks! 

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@Rodrigo Reis 

Chrome Version 100.0.4896.88 (Official Build) (arm64)

There is a newer version of Chrome (100.0.4896.127), however, it may have something to do with Chrome and the ARM64 processor.

You could always try the Miro desktop app too.

@Kiron Bondale @Aleksandar I've just tried on Safari and it loads fine. Not sure what's the issue with Chrome because on incognito it doesn't load any extensions and I haven't installed any news ones recently.

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@Rodrigo Reis & @Aleksandar -

I’m running Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit) Chrome on a Windows 10 laptop and my boards appear to be loading fine. 

Since you’ve already tried clearing your cache and using incognito mode, it might be worth trying with a different browser such as Firefox or Edge (if you have the current version) to isolate it to the browser. If it works with those, I’d recommend disabling extensions till you find the one causing Miro to break.


I have the same issue. It just loads white blank screen.

@Rodrigo Reis - Does miro.com load? E.g., miro.com/apps?

Does your dashboard load? Or is it just boards that are not loading? If just boards, it could be network related, e.g., Websockets - more troublshooting steps in this article: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017572694-Add-Miro-to-allowed-apps

@Robert Johnson Miro.com loads. It's just my dashboard it looks like. I went to the article you mentioned and everything seems to be working fine on my end. The Desktop app is working though.

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@Rodrigo Reis - Does miro.com load? E.g., miro.com/apps?

Does your dashboard load? Or is it just boards that are not loading? If just boards, it could be network related, e.g., Websockets - more troublshooting steps in this article: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017572694-Add-Miro-to-allowed-apps
