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  • 23 October 2021
  • 2 replies

does gifs? used ‘upload > upload via url > and its not showing the gifs


also how to remove the extra link info that is attached to your upload? where is the option?

other apps only copies/uploads what you wanted


looks like it doesnt do this for youtube videos (very inconsistent ui design in this aspect/part)





One ressource to look into is the searchfunction of the help menu. Here is where you gonna find it:

Under Help Topics you can find one of the best supporting systems in the miro world you can find nearly every answer to a question - if not you know you can ask here.

So and for the file format gif you find this article:

and this article

Another good ressource are always blog articles under the Help Topic section:


So - welcome to the miro world a world where creativity :bulb:  :boom: meets efficiency :ballot_box_with_check: and leads to results :chart_with_upwards_trend: 


If you upload a animated gif you have to click onto the arrow and then your animation will be playing


Don't forget to vote here; Autoplay GIF | Miro
