Board versions after moved to a new team

  • 24 January 2023
  • 3 replies

Hi!  I moved my boards to a new team.  When I look at the board history, I only see versions since I moved the board.  Looks like the versions from the old team are not brought along to the new team.  I do see tons of old activity though.   Is there a way to access them. 

We are on a paid team plan. 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Michele Vogt

I’m going to suggest that they update the article on moving boards.

We’re on the same page – I sent a note to support about this too 👍

Thank you @Robert Johnson.   We thought the same re: your last paragraph.  It wasn’t actually my board.  I was just helping someone on my team out. He is going to try this.

I’m going to suggest that they update the article on moving boards.  Would have been helpful to know that ahead of time!   

Appreciate your response!  

Userlevel 7
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@Michele Vogt - While the Board history: versions Help Center article does not explicitly detail your scenario, given the fact that board versions are limited to members of the team in which it resides, I would guess that the versions stay with the team in which the board resided at the time the versions were created, e.g., there was confidential content in a previous version of which the new team should not see.

However, for a definitive answer, I would contact Miro support.

If you need to access a previous version, you could try moving the board back to the team where the versions were created. If you need to keep a copy of the board where it is, duplicate it first, but move the original back.
