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Ability to add another person to a board as a co-owner, who is NOT a member of my company, but who is a paying Miro Customer (separate company).

  • Jake_Calabrese
  • Véronique Carbonneau
    Véronique Carbonneau
  • Alyssa Nerney


Title says it all.

We co-own content with others and they no longer have access to that content, since they change months back. It seems odd (at best) that they need to pay for 2 Miro Accounts, one for our company (so we can make them a co-owner) and another for their company.  They do need co-owner access since edit access does not allow them to lock, unlock, download, etc.  I don’t see anything about this in the Help Guide, so I am assuming this is not available at this point? Point me in the correct direction if someone knows otherwise.

Is this being worked on? Prioritized? I assume it has to be a technicaly issue, right? We are paying, so money does not seem to be the issue?



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