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Hi all :raised_hands: 

We’re looking for a volunteer for @Said Saddouk’s  Miro Games: Community Battle event event TOMORROW, March 22 from 5 15 till approximately 6 30 pm CET.

You’ll be one of the 2 main players: no preparation needed, just bring your amazing self :heart_eyes:  It will be lots of fun! The 2nd player is a Miro colleague.

Please comment below if you’re interested 😁

Hi @Helena Brandist,


Unfortunately I've seen the request too late 😕

Seems like I've missed the fun. Maube next time.

@Said Saddouk Ooh, nice. Or maybe Wordfeud? 😉 Good luck today, I'm sure it will be a blast! 🌟

@Helena Brandist @Said Saddouk Perhaps there will be a team vs team game next time? 😀


Team vs. Team is definitely on the agenda @Henrik Ståhl. Something like Family Feud maybe! But let’s look how today works out first. :)

@Helena Brandist @Said Saddouk Perhaps there will be a team vs team game next time? 😀

Hi @Helena Brandist,

Thanks for the invitation! 😀

It would be an honour to participate, but I have a meeting at the same time, but (if needed) you can count on me for the next ones.

I’m sure that will be funtastic !! 😎

Miro, always have amazing events.


Ah bummer I have early meetings during the work week 😕 excited to hear the recap though!

Yay! Thank you @Karen M and @Henrik Ståhl :heart_eyes:

And indeed, the session will be recorded. :grinning:

And we will run fun sessions again so I will definitely keep you in mind @olivesboretti 

@Karen M i will send you a DM with some details!

@Karen M Woop woop, I'll be rooting for you! 💃

@Helena Brandist Will the session be recorded? 

@Karen M it is 4 30 PM i believe :)

How about you @Karen M, would you like to join? 🙂

Do you know what the timings are in GMT? 🙂


EDIT: Oh wait, it’s an hour before GMT. Oh dear, how did I not figure that out! 

Sure, I’d be happy to get involved 🙂 I’ll register. 

How about you @Karen M, would you like to join? 🙂

Thanks @Robert Johnson! 🌟

Will install that extension asap!

Hi Helena! Thanks for the invitation!:heart_eyes:
I would love to participate, but I have a meeting at the same time.:frowning2: I would like to participate in the next one! Could you let us know?:hugging:

@Innovationist @Linnea Schluessler @Felix Pflanzl @Liat Algranti-Feren @Johanny Pestalozzi @Marco Sarracino @Adrien Painturier @Benoit Tremblay Cormier @Felice Nijhof @Darwin ANTIPOLO @Vincent Schnor @Val_theWiz @Alejandro De Blasi @Martin Spichiger @Eric B @Connect First Innovation @PedroS00 @olivesboretti @Jaipriya.Pandiyan @BrizBot 

Would any one of you be interested in participating? It’s going to be fun! :grinning:

@Henrik Ståhl @Robert Johnson @Kiron Bondale - thank you guys! Hope the teaching and time with your children goes well :hugging:

@Robert Johnson Hear hear. Know exactly what you're talking about (my youngest turns 14 months today!) 😅



Confetti →

@Robert Johnson Hear hear. Know exactly what you're talking about (my youngest turns 14 months today!) 😅

That is 10pm for me and with a 4-month old baby, I will be long asleep. I believe that makes the start time 12am for @Kiron Bondale.

@Helena Brandist & @Henrik Ståhl -

I’d have loved to have joined tomorrow but I’m teaching today & tomorrow :disappointed:


@Helena Brandist @Said Saddouk I would absolutely LOVE to do it, but unfortunately I can't. 💔😞

What about @Rachel, @Michelle Murphy, @Kiron Bondale, @Robert Johnson? Would love to see either of you bring your amazing selves! 🤩
