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Join us on October 5 for this Miroverse community event

Are you struggling to decide which tools will best empower your team? Are you wondering how to facilitate effectively?

Kicking off our Miroverse creator spotlight series is @Richard Kasperowski, the creator behind the Lean Coffee template. Richard is an author, teacher, speaker and coach focused on high-performance teams. During this session Richard will walk us through his Lean Coffee template and show us how and why Lean Coffee is an amazing meeting and workshop tool to facilitate a productive meeting in an innovative and unorthodox way. The power of an agenda-less, lean coffee meeting lies in its format to facilitate dynamic conversations in a small group setting.


Grab your spot here!

I can’t wait to see you there!

Very excited for this! 

Hi, Helena! My pleasure - thanks for inviting me! It was super fun, and I’m looking forward to more.

Thank you so much @Richard Kasperowski  for a very informative and fun Lean Coffee workshop :heart_eyes:

If you missed our live event and still want to learn about Lean Coffee, you can watch the recording here :tada:

Stay tuned for more Miroverse events :raised_hands_tone1:
