1-click sticky note

It now takes 5 clicks (!) to create a new sticky note. This used to be a really simple 1-click step, which is what you would expect in a virtual whiteboard tool.  Please fix this so the tool remains easy to use when rapidly capturing ideas in a working session.


It now takes 5 clicks (!) to create a new sticky note. 

You’re taking the long way around.

A few ways to do this in one click:

  1. Click and drag the Sticky Note icon from the content toolbar
  2. Press the N key and click on the board

Here they are in action:

And when you are already in edit mode in a Sticky Note, you can create another one by pressing the Tab key (Tab, type, Tab, type, etc.):


OK, I see it now.  The sticky note icon had disappeared from my content bar on the left.  It was buried at the bottom of the “more tools” sub-menu.  Thanks for the assist.