Visions for the Future: WHAT are you planning?

  • 16 August 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7
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We talk a lot on this community forum about HOW we plan, vision, design. 

Miro is perfect for collaborative planning and getting teams and communities rallied around visions of the future. In uncertain times and in a world in need of big action around challenges, I’d love to hear this visionary community’s dreams of the future -- for us to share WHAT we are envisioning. 


What are you visioning?

Can you share some inspiringly ambitious or virtuous plans? What’s gleaming out there at the far end of your timeline? What new world or product or service is living out there at the end of your Gantt chart?  

If you have non-confidential information you can share - please take a moment to share.


Here’s what stirred this question up for me recently. 

A friend of mine is working with a global NGO to launch a massive program to fund forest/mangrove protection and restoration with carbon credit funds. He’s engaged me to help him with org and operations design and planning. Meanwhile I look out my window, like many of you, at climate-change hastened wildfire smoke.   And so the pattern repeats, where, through the haze of today, I affix my eyes on the right side of the Gantt chart, where a healthier world shines out… 

Its just a couple columns, in a frame, in a Miro board - but it symbolizes something much bigger … the future.  


Share your visions? 

What dreams, big or small, do you have tucked away in your Miro boards?  :slight_smile:

2 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Max Harper this is so friggin cool and so inspiring! 

A friend of mine is working with a global NGO to launch a massive program to fund forest/mangrove protection and restoration with carbon credit funds. He’s engaged me to help him with org and operations design and planning. Meanwhile I look out my window, like many of you, at climate-change hastened wildfire smoke….  

Its just a couple columns, in a frame, in a Miro board - but it symbolizes something much bigger … the future.  


First, thank you for the work you’re doing to consider how we can help the planet. This is some of the most important work of our lifetimes - this planet is our home, after all! 


As someone on the community team at Miro, naturally I’m using boards to dream up the amazing potential of our community. Today I’m particularly inspired by Marissa Mezz and the No More Lonely Friends club. This is the power of online communities at its finest. Marissa took a bad situation and turned it into a friendship created through TikTok and launched a community of people who connect on social and connect in real life. Similarly, I’m excited to use Miro to dream up the ways we can build connection in this ambiguous still-in-the-pandemic-but-sort-of-not-really time, when the relationships of two years ago aren’t necessarily the relationships of today. Stay tuned for more opportunities to connect with the Miro community! 

Userlevel 7
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Such an inspiring story, @Max Harper! Thank you for sharing it with the community and thank you for being the planet’s ambassador and change-maker! :earth_americas:

Probably few ideas will beat your environment-friendly motion, but I still wanted to share one of our projects. We’ve just recently had an unusual hackathon during our company offsite. It was devoted to our hubs and how we can make our workplace a better place. One of the ideas was to decrease office waste: organize and partner with recycling orgs. Since it was a remote hackathon, the team was working on a Miro board designing the solutions :clap_tone2:


And this topic also reminded of the research we were doing - How many trees do you save with an online whiteboard? There’s a blog post :slight_smile:
