
How to interact with the estimation app through the web SDK

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I know it is possible to interact with the estimation app through the REST API, but I would like to know if it is also possible through the web SDK? More specifically, I am interested in getting the item that is currently being estimated as well as all items in the estimation session.

Kind regards,


4 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hey @Peter Bergman,

You will have to teach me how you are going that with the REST API =) 

There’s now way to do it with the SDK at this point. Luckily: you can build a hybrid app that used SDK+REST.


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I see. I haven’t tried it yet myself, but one should be able to get the estimation session by calling the following API endpoint:

However, I was hoping that something similar could be achieved with just the web SDK.


Kind regads,

Userlevel 4
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Thats a v1 endpoint, which we are planning to deprecate in a few weeks! Read more here:

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Thanks for the heads up!
