Support for Jira labels

We have a custom field in Jira of type Labels. We use this type to add our list of Clients to an issue in Jira. I would like for this to be available in Miro. Can you add support for labels and add the corresponding labels to a row on the card? It would be really useful for many different Jira use cases.

This would be great addon! There is so many useless JIRA fields to include into the template but not labels sadly:( Also what i am missing is the ability to display Epic name not just number.

Does anyone found any way to do it? 

we add card to our sprints based on labels. if we could edit this from the mir page this would be very useful

Echoing sentiments for this one - would be great to have support for labels, along with the remaining JIRA system fields (non-custom fields).

Specifically ‘Resolved’ and ‘Created’ - I would say that these would see more use than custom fields in a lot of use cases!

I could potentially come up with something using a scripted custom field that duplicate the values in these, but it’s a bit of work and I’m not sure that scripted fields will display correctly. I think system fields should all be supported natively.

Labels would be great. Just found this limitation

Labels are very important for us because we need them because most filters use labels as criteria

This would make working with Jira Cards a lot easier for us! Looking forward to see this in Miro.

Please enable using labels! 🚀🙏👨💻

Will be veery useful! It’s very good right now, but this addon will really be a huge boost to transparency and visual display - the orientation through the wider picture.

Jira Labels +1

This would be very interesting for us, approx 1000 users.

/Petter B

Would help us get more out of the Jira integration to have labels available to pull through. Case # 641132.