Right-click-and-drag to select multiple objects

Inspired by @RobOK and in direct competition with @Dave Miyamasu’s idea of Right-click and drag mouse for navigating canvas, I would like to see the ability to right-click-and-drag to select multiple items (vs Shift+drag).

Really, I will take any right-click-and-drag action as right now nothing happens!

+1 for right-click-and-drag to select multiple objects after reading this comment and how there is no way to select all/multiple without using the keyboard:


Maybe the right-click action could be configurable, two options being:

  1. drag canvas
  2. multiple select (like Shift + drag)

Hi, before an update, it just selected the objects without background, but now the background also got selected, is there a new way? I don't find it on this page, there is also written 90% but Im just selecting 40 % for example, but its still selecting the background :/
