Offline mode

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Hello Miro Team, I am pretty sure you guys on fire now with huge demand for your product, but Miro need an offline mode for iPad, it is just not possible to use it if connection interrupted, people are using this not only for constant collaboration, there a lot of people who do some preparation for projects, and these situations not really need the connection. But when you can’t use the app it is the most frustration time, when you start thinking why such smart people couldn’t figure out this.

Do not listen PMs if the telling you this is not what customers need! We need this! We need to be able to work with app in any conditions.

this do not has to load everything, just have some sort of buffering of last sessions, we need this mode to add something new, not to view old.


Hope to see it soon.


so hows the offline mode going? @Miro 

Its really a loss without this feature. To facilitate a smooth collaboration shall include preparation work as an important step. In a fast pace business society, it is not reliable just to hold presentation or collaboration when there is stable network (which many time fail). Secondly it is very stupid that I need to prepare the presentation on other offline tool and just wait for the internet to upload to miro. That's a double handling or even triple handling and not a productive way to work with.



This request has been raised by many others for years and more than thousand upvotes, and it seems Miro is not really treating it seriously.  I appreciate that miro has many stunning feature, but without  offline mode as the goat for a productive and safe workflow, sadly speaking, users will turn their head to other productivity alternative tools.  And once again, Offline tool is really a mutual benefit for both miro and the users. 

Hi all, does anyone know what is the prioritization process for “ideas” to make to a roadmap? Its great to throw ideas over in forums, but are these being picked up or even reviewed?

Apologies upfront for the fact that I have not reviewed 7 pages of comments on this idea alone to see if an account that looks like Miro official has responded.

I use miro not only for work but for my time management and daily organization. It doesnt work on subway or airplane.


I know offline sync is something complicated for collaborating teams. Or you had a concern for licensing and abuse. But "offline boards" would still be an option which needs an activation for time intervals

Miro states to build on the vision of a seamless cloud, but that vision is far from reality in many spots of the world. There are still many gaps in coverage, and mobile plans bring additional limitations. The complete cloud simply does not seem to materialize any time soon - even in many developed western countries.

I use Miro occasionally for virtual client workshops, for which I subscribe only for one month, then I cancel immediately. If Miro was available offline, it would become a game changer for me: I would use it for all my personal note-taking and conceptual work. I would switch to an annual or even a 3-year plan immediately, no questions asked.

So with the current online-only version, Miro provides limited value for me, and your company is missing out on additional revenue from me. I may be the only customer with this request, but if I'm not, please reconsider your cloud-focused strategy.

Offline MIRO would be amazing. I’ve been wanting this feature for a few years now. To move to an offline mode, there are a lot of variables at play here. Especially how would MIRO handle merge conflicts when you go from offline to online, and I would suspect the visual widgets and such would also be challenging.

In the end I would still love this feature/capability. One suggestion I’ve heard is that if you wanted to have the ability for offline, you could flag the board such that only you can make offline edits. So it would be less collaborative but it could be the first step wherein you’re not able to SHARE the board.

The major problem with offline mode is the situation where more than one person try to modify a document offline, leading to conflict in the document when they both come back online.

So the solution would be to lock the modification of the document so that only one of the users could change it for a specific amount of time.

Also you could make uncollaborative templates usable offline without having to specify an offline duration.


I am really frustrated with miro and thinking to change because it’s extremely slow with my low bandwith and I really need to be fast to study. I am sometimes waiting several seconds to do select anything, it’s inseffurable.

There is no good justification to keep it the way it is anymore when we know your optimizations capabilities and strategies in the development team.

@Pierre Le Bourlais the approach is similar to what SharePoint did over 15 years ago with locking of documents via a check-out mechanism.

The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

+1 it’s literally a “I’d change the service got get the same with offline support”-thing. If Figma Jam is support this first, our company would switch immediately.


Please get this in!

For me, the reason I need is to support using the other features. 

I can create an AMAZING presentation experience, but if the conference doesn’t have Wifi - I can’t show my presentation AT. ALL. 

I agree with quite a few use cases already mentioned:

  • presenting it when no access to internet
  • grabbing the notes, ideas offline - in café on the airport, while traveling to remote places  etc 
  • doing and delivering presentations
  • all digital nomads would benefit greatly from that feature

Moreover, there are plenty of solutions that already provide similar offline functionality, for instance entire google suite pack (Docs, Slides. Sheets, Keep etc.). 

This one change alone would make significant boost in value end users are getting from Miro!

Offline mode is needed so much. this is a real reason to use figjam, which is a shame...

Just to add, it seems it might take a lot of thought to implement such a feature on a collaboration heavy tool. But as a first step we might be able to add a feature to boards where the owner of the board can lock the board for editing while checking out to make changes offline. This can be available only to board owner to make things less complicated. 

For us users, till the time we have an appropriate solution, we can at least duplicate a board with our ownership and make offline changes and manually recombine them to the original board later on. This definitely is not the actual solution, but definitely helps out especially in boards where we have limited collaboration or very infrequent updates to the system. 


we really need offline version for work because sometimes you need to work on the road (plane, trains for me especially etc.) and it’s hard to find stable connection while you are in the transport

+1 for iPad offline version/macbook app

Everything has been mentioned.
It will be a money thing...

So it would be possible for 1 user to log in on ALL devices of his friends,
so that they could then use it "free of charge".

The remedy here would be that after 3, 5 or 10 days at the latest an Internet connection must be re-established for synchronization, otherwise Miro cannot be used any further (serves as an example).



I cant believe this was created 3 years ago and still nothing close to the solution...It. Is. A . Must

I mean couldn’t the app at least just cache embedded content for a start? Fully offline access would be good, but I’d take just being able to open a Miro tab on a slow connection and the images etc not taking forever to load.

+1 for this

If miro does this, it will replace all of my other note taking and project management apps. So please take this VERY SERIOUSLEY, will be game changer.

If I prepare a great presentation and then want to show it at a client site in a basement without wifi, they shouldn’t have to see “Reconnecting in 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds” constantly. As an MVP, can you disable that constant toast if the user enters presentation mode and loses internet connection (before or during presentation mode)?