Miro basics

When I share the board, the current weath of options and possibilities is proving overwhelming to most people I work with.

Would you consider giving the option to ‘go back to basics’ where the board is only for stickies and maybe drawing? Or launch a version of ‘classic miro’, yes, it’s just like world of warcraft 😉, something from your first months of existence, that was enough for me to fall in love with your product.

Anyway, what I’m asking for - give us an option to go to basics, an infinite, real-time-whiteboard ;)

Cheers and thank you for making a great product.

Hi @Wiktor Gancarz,

Just came across your question and thought that I should confirm if you are already familiar with Miro Lite? Please learn more in Miro Lite.

Does it work for your use case?

Hi Marina,

Yes, Miro Lite is a great realisation of what I had in mind, and it has enabled me to introduce way more people to the tool.