IFTTT Integration with Miro to enable Voice Assistants for Sticky Creation

The Abstract

It would be great to have voice integration with voice assistants for adding sticky notes without having to load up the app.

The Problem

To add notes or ideas to Miro, we have to load the app. This makes it hard to put things like todo lists or collect feedback that might occur to people spontaneously.

Often I will have ideas to put on the board and forget to put them there by the time I can open the app to log them all.

The Solution

Create an integration with IFTTT to enable voice assistants to create objects on the board.

It might make sense to include a lot of requirements/constraints to help avoid this from becoming a big mess.

Ideas to increase usability but constrain it.

  • Only allow creation of sticky notes.
  • Reject shape creation with no text ingredient.
  • Require a parent shape.
    • I noticed that tab-creating sticky notes already uses some logic to detect that it should stay inside of parent shapes.
    • The user would need some way to configure this per-board. I’m thinking it could be a per-board setting. Or you could create some sort of shape or magic sauce that specifically attaches to IFTTT. I’m guessing this is how JIRA and others are integrated.

The Vision

“Hey Google, add a note to Miro.”
“What board would you like to add it to?”
“Project Post Mortem”
“Okay, what would you like the note to say?”
“Jimmy was really helpful when we had to escalate.”


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