Fast Login

My password on Miro is not one I want to be able to remember.  If I want to login on a display (plasma Screen, TV, or monitor), it takes me forever to type in my user name and password.

I would like to be able to create a temporary password from my app that will allow me a single time sign on:  

I would open the display, go to\login and select a new option, “Quick Login”

I enter my username and say 4 digit number (generated from any account/board where I am logged in)  This number would allow a single login against my account within say 10 minutes of being issued.  This would open Miro (on the Board that I have raised the number?) and allow me to display that board: 

I maybe could select the part of my board (from my device) which I wanted to show and then would display any changes made by any logged in users on that board.

The TV monotor beconmes a dumb terminal and shows part of my borad.  It does not have to accept any inputs.

This would be very useful to consultants like me who meet up with clients in a meeting room and want to brainstorm ideas or processes using miro on say my tablet / laptop.

Where i can, I will cast my screen or connect my laptop to the monitor, but that is not always very quick or easy to do!


Hi @Philip Milne! Kristina from the Miro Product Marketing team here. Thank you so much for sharing this great idea with us and the community. We just released our new ‘quick sign-in to interactive displays’ feature that sounds exactly like the experience you’re talking about. You can read more about it here. This feature will help you quickly cast a Miro board from your phone/laptop to an interactive display in a matter of seconds, with a secure code and no typing required. 


What type of device are you currently using? In order to use our quick sign-in experience, your device will need to be an interactive display.


Thanks again for sharing with us!

@Kristina Terziyska 

Left you a full reply but it got lost in the ether.

Was logging into a 65” Samsung TV - wanted to display a Frame on that screen and update it from my tablet. We have no way of using the screen as anything other than a dumb monitor.

Prefer a central display especially when I have a group for a single session made up of people who do not know how to use Miro.

We used a flipchart & pens which I photographed.  Not so professional and you missed me showing off Miro to a potential enterprise client or similar.
