Do not export hidden frames to PDF

Related products: Frames

Now that Miro has delivered the great “Hide / Unhide frame” feature, it would be great if you can export to PDF only visible frames.

When you export to PDF a board, hidden frames are included and a “Hidden for now” page is added to the PDF file for each hidden frame.

Can you please not include hidden frames when exporting a board, please?


Thank you!!

Absolutely. Export to PDF should either exclude hidden frames from export or offer a check/uncheck option to include/exclude hidden frames. Otherwise you need to delete all hidden frames including their content from the board just to get an export of all the rest. From a user perspective that is posisble but a lot of cumbersome, time consuming and unnecessary (wate) work.

I was surprised this wasn’t the default behaviour. I’m not sure what the point in hiding frames is in a slideshow or pdf situation?

@Jon McKellan - I suspect this was not default behaviour as adding hidden frames as-is first was faster to deliver into production and therefore providing value and generating feedback to the delivery team, rather than delay hidden frames while additional code was added to the existing “export to PDF” functionality to suppress hidden frames.

Probably one of the biggest use cases for hiding a frame is so that during a workshop, content activities/content remains hidden until the facilitator is ready and then unhides the frame - this keeps folks from jumping ahead and getting distracted. I used this just today for a workshop:


@Robert Johnson Well, I suppose we can all agree that it was better to release “hide frames” early even if that means they are printed in PDF. However, now it would be really cool if one could select to print a board PDF with hidden frames or without. And one could ask: Does it make sense at all to print hidden frames. Currently it means printing the entire board as PDF and quite some extra work to open the document in another PDF creator tool and remove the pages with the hidden frames. My context: I use Miro mainly for virtual trainings. I partially use hidden frames as you describe, i.e. they are unhidden stp by step during the training. But I also have hidden frames with optional topics or a “plan b” for the training depending on participants needs and our progress as group. So many frames stay closed even at the end of the training and I don’t want to print them as PDF fopr the training documentation.

At the end of a class, I create a PDF - I like that feature, since I can provide a handout of what has been provided by the teacher and added/created by the students (e.g. excercises). However, during the class, the students create new frames which I might not want to include in the PDF. As a workaround I have to move such obsolete frames to the end of the frames list, create the PDF and then modify the PDF by removing the obsolete pages at the and. Alternatively I have to delete these frames (which I don’t like to do).

Could you please consider a functionality to exclude frames from being added to the PDF (e.g. excluding hidden frames, or let me mark frames that must not be included in the PDF).


Similar use case: discussing a design and then revising it.

Board will contain multiple alternatives (frames) which we would like to keep for documentary purposes, but we only want to export the design we ultimately settle on to pdf.

And frankly, I’m having a hard time coming up with a use case where having a “here is nothing” page included in your PDF is desirable.

Adding yet another use case to make this request valuable… I might create 10 frames for breakout sessions and then only use three of them. The remaining seven will remain hidden and shouldn’t be in the export because they’re all blank canvases with no value.

As I’m typing this, I’m busy unlocking and deleting pieces from all the frames I didn’t use in yesterdays class so I can begin the export.

I have a board with over 150 frames (many instructions). I only want to export or print PDF the frames/ pages that the participants fill in and given it back to them as their digital noteboook workings. How strage something this simple cant be done at the push of a button and a few tick boxes?

Hi team


Maksym here, Product Manager from Miro. 


UPDATE:  Starting today, when you export Miro boards to PDF, hidden frames are going to be excluded from the export. 


P.S. – Please keep the feedback coming and continue to share your ideas via the wishlist. The wishlist helps our support and product teams track interest in different features so we really appreciate it!


Now that Miro has delivered the great “Hide / Unhide frame” feature, it would be great if you can export to PDF only visible frames.

When you export to PDF a board, hidden frames are included and a “Hidden for now” page is added to the PDF file for each hidden frame.

Can you please not include hidden frames when exporting a board, please?


Thank you!!

Hey Miro Community! As of today this feature is available on all plans. Thank you again for your feedback and helping make Miro better!