Crumpled stickies

It would be nice to have the possibility to crumple stickies and not only to delete them. The crumpled stickies should fall down to the “floor” and lay around until someone “cleans” them up. This would give the user an impression of work-done. 

@Gottfried Szing -

Interesting idea! The workaround would be to morph the stickies into a different shape (e.g. a pentagram, star or some other shape) which would represent a processed sticky.


@Gottfried Szing -

Interesting idea! The workaround would be to morph the stickies into a different shape (e.g. a pentagram, star or some other shape) which would represent a processed sticky.



Yes, can be it done that way. But nothing beats the impression of “real work done”, actually having the stickies laying around at the bottom. I know this is just a funny idea and not really important, but having a way to crumple to the floor (bottom of window screen) and un-crumple stickies from the floor.