charts with external data

It would be very useful to have graph based on tables or elements in the board
For example a chart that use a kanban as dataset and tags as filters

I also find this extremely important as “looks” make all the difference when communicating work. I want to use Miro as an information radiator or an obeya, but having to manually update charts makes this a non-starter.

What I need:

  • charts to have external data sources (google sheets would do the trick, but an API interface would be sooo much better)
  • auto-update chart when source changes / or periodically
  • more chart types
    • Sankey (pleaaaaaase)
  • Programmatic interface to chart libraries
    • google charts gives you all this, but an option to have a js running in the background would be amazing!

Charts even with simple calculations would be great for Kaizen events! Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide. We do a lot of simulations where we need to calculate! Even better would be an embeeded Excel file!