Automatic Backups

Related products: Other

Would be great to have automated backups overnight to a nominated Google Drive account (or similar account). 


BTW, if you did do this, it  should only use the permission that gives Miro the ability to view and edit files it creates - NOT general ability to access all of my Google drive.

We've started working on a beta for a automated Miro Backup Tool, you can sign up for the wait list here:

@Wadih @chrissmith we’ve also just started our Miro backup tool beta waitlist, you might wanna check it out here:

I don't agree that this idea has been delivered as the original poster's idea was a full backup of the board to an external location.

Hi @Kevin Goedecke!


Anton from Miro product team here. Please, note, that you will be using an undocumented API functionality that Miro isn't planning on supporting in the long-term. Our recommendation is to take this into consideration when you're making the decision to develop this tool.


Hi @Anton Telitsyn, just wondering whether


uses an undocumented API, too?

Hey @Matthias Krehl!

I’m pretty sure yes.


@Anton Telitsyn we’re actually in touch with the Miro team directly to make sure our solution works properly.