A read only list view of all boards w/ filters and advanced search

Teams are using boards to collaborate, create project views, roadmap plans.  What I’d like to propose is a feature that exists in JIRA - to be able to view a read only list and index and search the content, but not have access to the board itself, unless access is granted by the board owner.  In teams that span the organization it is useful to have a top level view, without exposing too much detail.

Same suggestion, I was calling it a Table Of Contents (TOC). that is automatically updated anytime a Miro board is added. This feature would show the name and the owner of each Miro board, but we can only access or click to view the board if you’ve been added to the board share. 


Also better support around directory groups, I want to list available Miro boards by Open Directory group as well as by individual.

User story:

  • Give me a tool to show me which Miro boards were made by any given OD group where I am a member
  • Give me a real time update tool to show which Miro boards were made, and the Miro board owner, not access to the board unless already granted, just the name of the board and the owner. 
  • Ability to search for the name of a board in one spot, across all the teams, even if you don’t have access you should be able to find the name. Same for search by OD group or individual. 
  • Live updates, live synch, no need to manually push or pull to update this TOC page.