Show some love on Miroverse with ❤️ Likes, 👀 Views, and ➕ Copies

  • 8 April 2021
  • 6 replies

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Publishing new Miroverse templates is only the beginning—the exciting part is watching your ideas taking off!

So wether you’re simply browsing for inspiration or gaining a bigger reach for your ideas, we hope this update helps you to understand how people engage with templates and get a lot more out of Miroverse — as a viewer and a creator.

  • See how your template is performing with 👀 views and ➕ copies.

  • Show others that you love what they made with ❤️ likes.

  • Explore Miro community favorites with the new Popular category.


:books: Visit the Help Center article to learn more and as always, we’d love to hear from you in the thread below 👇



6 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Kristin :

It’s so great and impressive how the miroverse have grown and still grows from day to day and all the inspiring work everyone does from this community … 

Thank you @Kristin & @Mariam Danielian and to all Mironeers in the Miroverse-Team and in the management and on every place that’s been involved by the decision to bring Miroverse to live!

I am sure no one had ever thought of how this will grow…

Thank you everyone!


Userlevel 6
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❤️ Thank you @mlanders for the kind words! I’ll pass your feedback onto the product team involved.

Is there a way to find the templates/boards that I have liked/favorited?   Was hoping to go back to relevant frameworks by using liking as a bookmark

Userlevel 6
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Thanks for taking the time to write into Community to share your feedback about personalising your browsing experience in Miroverse.

This is a feature that our support and product teams would love to track interest for. Would you mind adding it to the Community Wish List?

Many thanks, Kristin

Userlevel 6
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A quick follow up for you @STUART GRAU. You can now get quick access to all your previously liked templates in Miroverse from your Miroverse profile. Check out the Save your favorite Miroverse templates product announcement and please let us know what you think.

Userlevel 6
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While I’m here I’ll quickly highlight two easy ways to find your likes, views, and copies.

#1 From any template card

Likes can be found bottom right of any card and hover over any template card to reveal the views and likes in the top left. I’d recommend to do this from your profile page so it’s super quick and easy but you can use this method for any page, including from your search results.


#2 Visit your template page

Likes are top right above the template preview and scroll down to just below the template preview to see views and copies. 


Likes, views, and copies is available for everyone, so you can even check out how other templates are faring. Check out the Miroverse Template Sorting announcement as well to see how you can use likes, views, copies, to discover new templates.

And, the Save your favorite Miroverse templates announcement to rediscover all your previously liked templates in Miroverse. 

Happy collaborating, Kristin

