Question: collaborator network management

  • 2 September 2021
  • 2 replies

Hello Miro community,


Miro is a great tool. So far I really enjoy using it. Recently I’m thinking to use it to manage my networks. However, I couldn’t find the best way to do so, if anyone have some ideas or suggestions, it would be great. 

So, here is what I’m trying to do:

I’d like to create a Miro for my collaborator networks. Each collaborator has a image, a field for descriptions and notes, and more importantly, can be assigned with multiple dates. The dates for all collaborators can be sorted and presented in some form.




2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Renjie Hu -

As simple table object might help you create a collaborator record and you can connect the collaborator tables using arrows but any type of behavior such as sorting dates isn’t available out of the box and would need to be developed.


@Renjie Hu -

As simple table object might help you create a collaborator record and you can connect the collaborator tables using arrows but any type of behavior such as sorting dates isn’t available out of the box and would need to be developed.


Great to know. Thank you very much!!
