How do you usually group stickies (or other widgets) during the Workshops and why?

  • 24 August 2020
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 4

I am curious to know if you ever needed to group stickies somehow during the Workshop, why do you need that and how do you do that.

When I am on the workshop with my team and we have some braistorming session we usually sort stikies manually to find some patterns and group them accordingly. Usually the person who wrote the skitie try to find the right group and place the stikie there or create the new group.

Are there any other cases and best practices?:raised_hands:

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Affinity grouping is a common follow-up to brainstorming/brainwriting. I usually let the group as a whole do that, and then have individual raise any concerns they have with how it has been done. It usually is a good way to identify major themes or to de-duplicate the content before you move to something like dot voting.


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

In brainstorm-sessions I write everything down the participants tell me.

After this I colorize the stickies and then I group them together.

So I can easily move them around




Userlevel 4

Hi @Kate Ivanova 

If we talk about the technique rather than miro specifically then as Kiron said grouping is a common step in procedures that use idea generation.

Common ones I encounter are “what is in scope”, Who is important, What assumption and risks have we got, What solution options, What tests? and the team ones such as “Start/ More/ Less/ Stop”...

Its then withing the context of these higher level needs that the grouping occurs and then the tool facilities of use are made more/ less relevant

Eg for Who is important I want division by “interested in result” vs interested in development process, also by “is positive (or not!)” which can be done by positioning on a grid. I also want power which can again be by positioning but with 2 dimensions in use I now have to add extra info through colour, or icons or tags - being able to the ‘group’ as in miro group to move as a block is useful particularly where one group item overlaps another group and i want to move a heap together

Group overlaps are typical and finding and deciding them is always important - eg this risk is a threat, it affects budget most, its customer visible, its a mechanical engineering challenge, it affects the fuel system and is not urgent but is very important. Typically my interest in how items group for multiple criteria is 1) resource allocation and liason between people or teams or sites, 2) scheduling & dependencies - particularly if something affects integration and test of shippable results and 3) visibility in reporting. There is also often a technical interest in grouping outside the controls one such as its the pump seal that has failed….

Hope that helps
