Paste code snippets

Related products: Fonts & Text editing Widgets

I’d like the ability to paste code snippets and have them format according to the language (auto-detected with the option to chose from a drop down)

It’s actually available on here, but not on Miro (at least I haven’t found it yet!

So this:

{   "working_dir": "spps",   "extension": "spp",   "folders": [      "_in",      "_out"   ]}

Would be displayed like this:

{	"working_dir": "spps",	"extension": "spp",	"folders": [		"_in",		"_out"	]}

[edit] Looks like posting broke the formatting. I’d like the code to display clean like it does on stackoverflow:



A workaround is to use a code snippet to image tool, like Snappify or Not the perfect solution maybe, but a good alternative 😊

I was just looking for this particular functionality. Would be really great to have it.

+1 on this, I’m wanting to add a json snippet in - figjam does this nicely ;)

I was falling in love with Miro, until I hit this. Now I’m debating whether to keep using it, as I’d have to use 2 separate apps, Miro for everything non-code and something else for code 😥

Code block please! :)

This is absolutely necessary for collaboration among coders

This is a deal breaker for our team. A better, more formattable description box is a must-have. Miro’s is very basic and doesn’t allow code formatting, block quotes, images, etc.

   Or some github gitlab  embed or something!… something please


Adding a +1 here. This would be a really helpful feature to have.


Created my profile only so I could vote for this feature.

I scoured the tools available for way too long before I searched this topic, finding this thread.  How is this two years old and still unaddressed?

This is a must have feature. My team come to me and use this argument to ask the company to move away from Miro to Figjam instead.

Code snipped urgently needed … I hate to copy-paste screenshots from Sublime 😅

this feature would make my live much easier !

absolutely need

This would be a great feature that would enable even more cross team collaboration with this already amazing tool! 

If miro had this feature the company I work at would definitely use miro instead of Google Jamboard

@Anna Boyarkina check out: 

This is exactly what I needed. Why not put it into the Miro Marketplace?


Updated idea statusIdeaDelivered

Updated idea statusIdeaDelivered

Here it is: !

can we please have this feature Miro! I so badly could do with it!