Even Smarter Object Duplication

When I hit ⌘ + D to duplicate an object the “smart” part seems to guess at which direction I want the duplicated object to go. Sometimes it goes to the right, sometimes to the left, sometimes below. I haven’t seen it go above, but I would bet that it does that too.

Would it be possible to introduce and alternative shortcut that allows the user to choose the direction?

For example:

⌘ + D + →     sends it to the right

⌘ + D + ←     sends it to the left

⌘ + D + ↑      sends it above



Agree. This is a very useful feature in OmniGraffle.

@MThorN / @fjordaan - This Wish List post is quite old, but I believe the option does exist using Alt/Option +  ←→↑↓:

More shortcuts and hotkeys here → https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017731033-Shortcuts-and-hotkeys

FYI for all readers: The duplicate feature always duplicates to the right, but when there is an object occupying that space, the duplication algorithm applies the logic of: right, left, down, up.

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