Miroverse Challenge: Team Connection ​​​​🤝

  • 16 November 2021
  • 60 replies
Miroverse Challenge: Team Connection ​​​​🤝
Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi Miro Heroes :heart_eyes:,  


A couple of weeks ago we wrapped up our annual Distributed conference. Amazing energy and so many inspiring, creative, and fun sessions!:tada:

Apart from learning a lot, meeting new people, and feeling fortunate to be part of the process, our team definitely felt more connected than ever. Teamwork has always been at the heart of everything we do here at Miro, and Distributed 2021 made us once again reflect on how important meaningful and supportive team connections are. As we say, “play as a team to win the world!” :pray:

Inspired by all the new knowledge, we decided to learn even more, this time from our amazing Miro community members. Today, we’re kicking off a special edition of the Miro templates contest, called Miroverse Challenge: Team Connection :purple_heart:This contest is all about reflection and learning. How do you make sure your team members feel connected, supported, and happy? What are the Miro tools you use?


In this special edition we will have 3 award categories 🏆:

  • Icebreakers :man_dancing_tone3:

  • Meetings :bulb:

  • Team building :raised_hands:


To get inspired, you can check out the Distributed Day 1 and Day 2 recordings and resources.


More Challenge Details


:calendar: Timing ​​​​​​

  • Submission period: November 16-January 12

  • Voting and judging: January 13-20

  • Winners announced: January 21

 :ballot_box:  Voting and judging

  • Judges' Choice will be awarded by our panel of expert judges. Submissions will be judged on their ease of use, layout, and that special fun factor.

  • People’s Choice will be awarded based on top likes under the comment here in the online community. Make sure to vote for your favorite template by December 20, 23:59 CET . ☝️

:gift:  Prizes for each category

  • Judges’ Choice: iPad, exclusive Miro-branded cover, and an Apple Pencil 

  • People’s Choice: AirPods and exclusive Miro-branded case

  • Miro swag will be awarded to all other participants who will get published on Miroverse :sunglasses:  

  • Winners will be featured on Miroverse and Judges Choice winners will have an opportunity to present their templates at a dedicated Miro event on Linkedin Live to our audience!


How to participate


:pencil:  To enter, please add a comment to this thread with the following details:

  • Your full name

  • Role and company

  • Mention category: icebreakers, meetings, or team building

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access)

  • Instructions on how to use the template

  • Optional: 1-3 minute video overview of your template

:warning:  Entry requirements

  • Your template must be in English, and have been created and designed using Miro.

  • All information must belong to the board owner (We will reject all submissions containing copyright-protected content on board.)

  • Your template must be submitted to Miroverse before the challenge deadline.

  • Optional: share your board on LinkedIn with #Miro @Miro mentioning that you’re taking part in the challenge. Feel free to add an image or a video.

  • By participating in the challenge, you agree that your submission may be published and used for promotional activities by Miro.



  • Community Guest Judge for the Icebreaker category: Facilitator Schoolan education platform around the topic of online facilitation. They are one of our Miro Experts and teach professionals to be better facilitators through cohort-based courses, custom Miro templates and by curating facilitation resources. 

    See Facilitator School’s Character Mix&Match Icebreaker on Miroverse

  • Community Guest Judge for the Meetings category: Hyper Islanda global learning provider with a school and consulting services that enables individuals and organisations to see, understand and act upon the opportunities created by digital and technological evolution.

    See Hyper Island’s templates on Miroverse

  • Community Guest Judge for the team Building category: @Stefano Mastrogiacomo teamwork coach, project mgmt professor and author. He’s the designer of team tools like the Team Alignment Map, the Team Contract, the Fact Finder and the Nonviolent Requests Guide.

    See Stefano’s templates on Miroverse

  • Miroverse team judge: Mariam Danielian manages the content production for Miro templates and oversees publications for the Miroverse templates library. She is inspired by the creativity of Miro users who turn an empty canvas into a universe of their own creation, and she’s passionate about sharing their work with others. 



Happy collaborating and good luck!  :rocket::heart_eyes:


60 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Hi everyone,

It’s amazing to see how so many diverse ideas and templates are shared to help teams form meaningful connection! 

Thank you to the Miro Team and Judges for hosting this challenge to feature our work and get our templates in team connection out into the world!

Looking forward to seeing more Magic happens at Miro Community!

Userlevel 2

This is ,by far, the best news of the week! Thanks! 🎉

Congratulations  @Eline Charles, loved the simplicity and it’s an icebreaker that can be embedded in many contexts in an interactive and fun way. Kudos!

Thank you @René Nauheimer, I’m happy to hear it was so well received! 


This is ,by far, the best news of the week! Thanks! 🎉

Congratulations  @Eline Charles, loved the simplicity and it’s an icebreaker that can be embedded in many contexts in an interactive and fun way. Kudos!

Userlevel 3

Wow, you knocked me off my feet! I´m humbled and grateful to be a winner, thank you so much for bringing the Moon Landing template in the spotlight! :hugging:  

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Yay! Congrats to the winners :tada::clap_tone2::heart_eyes:

Userlevel 2

This is ,by far, the best news of the week! Thanks! 🎉

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @Vincent Schnor @Johanna Torstensson @JPalz @JanaFiaccola @Romy Smith @Agile Games With James @Clyde D'Souza @Ruslan Kildeev @Nhi Tran @Tracy Bain @Frankie Kok @Lech Guzowski @NinaSwitch11 @Regine @Daria Rudnik @Eline Charles @Kokoro @DWestgarth @Val_theWiz  and all the guests of this challenge :wave_tone2:


Ta-da! I am happy to announce the winners of this Miroverse Challeneg: Team Connection :confetti_ball:


Ladies and gentlemen, 

:drum::drum::drum:  The winners are:

 Team Building



  • Judges’ Choice - :tada::tada: @Eline Charles & Go Fish :bulb:
  • People’s Choice - :tada::tada: @Nhi Tran & Mood Check-in :hugging:


Congratulations! :clap_tone2::clap_tone2::clap_tone2:

The prizes will soon be on their way to the winners and all the participants who followed the entry requirements.

The winners will also see a new badge in their community profile soon :military_medal:


We want to thank everyone for participating in this challenge and sharing your awesome boards! Most of these templates will soon appear in our Miroverse and will become available to all Miro users.


Stay tuned for the next challenge! :bellhop: 


Have a good one :blue_heart:

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @Vincent Schnor @Johanna Torstensson @JPalz @JanaFiaccola @Romy Smith @Agile Games With James @Clyde D'Souza @Ruslan Kildeev @Nhi Tran @Tracy Bain @Frankie Kok @Lech Guzowski @NinaSwitch11 @Regine @Daria Rudnik @Eline Charles @Kokoro @DWestgarth @Val_theWiz  and all the guests of this challenge :wave_tone2:


You have less than 12 hours to vote for your favourite templates! :tada: 


Please note: we will only consider templates that made it to the second round :balloon:


We will be announcing the winners tomorrow! :confetti_ball:

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @Vincent Schnor @Johanna Torstensson @JPalz @JanaFiaccola @Romy Smith @Agile Games With James @Clyde D'Souza @Ruslan Kildeev @Nhi Tran @Tracy Bain @Frankie Kok @Lech Guzowski @NinaSwitch11 @Regine @Daria Rudnik @Eline Charles @Kokoro @DWestgarth @Val_theWiz  and all the guests of this challenge :wave_tone2:

I have an update from our judges! :grinning:

We received a lot of templates submissions and after reviewing all of them and qualifying them for different categories, below is the list of templates that made it to the next round:

For everyone who did not make it to the next round- you are welcome to contact me for feedback :blush:



Team Building:

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @Vincent Schnor @Johanna Torstensson @JPalz @JanaFiaccola @Romy Smith @Agile Games With James @Clyde D'Souza @Ruslan Kildeev @Nhi Tran @Tracy Bain @Frankie Kok @Lech Guzowski @NinaSwitch11 @Regine @Daria Rudnik @Eline Charles @Kokoro @DWestgarth @Val_theWiz  and all the guests of this challenge :wave_tone2:

Many thanks to all participants for sharing your amazing boards! 


I’m here to tell you that we closed this thread for new submission and our judges take a week to choose the winner :nerd:

:ballot_box:  Public voting for the People’s Choice is also open until January 20 (EOD), so let’s get voting! Please put a thumbs-up under a post if you like a template. Participants can also share a link to this thread with your network and get their support (:warning:NOTE: we only count the likes :thumbsup_tone2: under your comment here in the Miro online community).


Stay tuned! We will get back to you on January 21 and announce the winners :trophy:


Good luck :clap:

Userlevel 3
Badge +3


Hi, I am the Founder of The Creative Gym. For the Ice Breaking and Team Building Category, here is my entry for Life Values Auction. 

What's Life Values Auction?

Harvard research indicates that of all the things that boost emotions, motivation, and perception during a day, the single most important thing is making progress in doing things that are meaningful to you. What are the things that are meaningful to you and the underlying value that guide your action?


At Life Value Auction, a fun exploration of self-discovery game, we will come together to play an auction simulation game and dig deeper into the values, lessons learned and stories behind your choice and gain more clarity in your life’s value!


How does Life Values Auction works?

  • Imagine right now you join a virtual camp with a group of friend to discuss about life choices based on the the time you have left in your life i.e. 10 years and that’s all you have to bid the 20 items in the auction list, from being a millionaire to living a worry-free life, what’s your choice?
  • Bidding on an item indicates you are willing to spend “x” years on achieving such goal ("Cards" as auction items) and "1 Life Coin" = 1 year of your life.



Userlevel 1
  • Name: Jana Fiaccola

  • Role: Collaboration & Leadership Coach

  • Category: team building

  • Miro board: 


  • Instructions on how to use the template: 

    Use this template if you want to optimize the energy in the team and to strengthen their team spirit.
    It is a combination of self reflection and learning more about the other team members.

    Usage: Follow the rules within the board.

    Part 1: What is your current energy level?
    1 - Ask for their current energy level and let them stick it to the battery
    2 - Let them present their currency level & ask to share insights

    Part 2: What can be done to improve your current level?
    1 -  Ask what can be done (by themselves for themselves, by others, for others)
    2 - Let them share their notes

Userlevel 2

Social Bull’s Eye DIY workshop

  • Lech Guzowski
  • Workplace Culture Design @ human
  • Team building

Inspired by an activity done at Chicago Bulls during the Michael Jordan era, the purpose of this activity is to see under the surface and create a picture of how people see themselves in relation to the team. It's a great exercise to improve team cohesion as it encourages vulnerability and showcases other people's perspectives.

You start bask asking everyone to position themselves on the bull's eye based on how connected they feel to the team.  Then you focus on discussing and exploring what makes individual feel more and less connected. The real value is in the final part where the group discussed what they should continue or stop doing to help improve things.

Step by step instructions can be found inside the template.



Userlevel 2

Team Self-assessment DIY workshop

  • Lech Guzowski
  • Workplace Culture Design @ human
  • Team building

Most teams operate on auto-pilot with little thought given to how people fit and grow together. Stopping and doing this exploration is not only a great exercise to bring the team closer together, but also surface challenges or tensions which otherwise might go unsaid.

This workshop looks at 4 areas: 

  • team relations and environment - how does the team work together? what blocks/enables them?
  • team purpose - what's the team's why?
  • communication and decision-making - how does communications happen in the team? What helps/hinders information flow?
  • learning and individual development - how team members learn and develop?

It first allows individuals to reflect for themselves before collaborating together to create a map of actions for further exploration.

The aim is to surface challenges and tensions which otherwise might go unsaid and create a list of actionable tasks and topics for further discussion.

Step by step instructions can be found inside the template.



Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Penny Game

The Penny Game is a popular agile game to teach the importance of reducing batch sizing and the evils of large workloads. It helps people understand the time it takes to deliver value to a customer.

How to use this template

This game is ideally for 10 people plus the facilitator but can be scaled back to 4 people with the facilitator taking over the roles of the customer and the scribe. Each worker would then use their cell phone to start timing the start/stop time of themselves, while the facilitator tracks time from the first coin flipped/changed colour by the first worker... to the last penny flipped by the last worker.

If you enjoy please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I review other games, create templates, and provide resources for your teams!



Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Multitasking Myth-Buster Game


This is the Multitasking Mythbuster Game to be played In Miro. This game is a great example to show the cost of multitasking and context switching. This game is perfect for remote teams. To learn how to facilitate this game please watch the movie below.


Part 1 - Select one of the orange box play areas and write your name in the purple box that says "Your Name Here"

Part 2 - Grab your phone/stopwatch and set it to the timer mode ( which will count up when pressing start)

Round 1

  • (start the timer)

  • Write each first character horizontally

  • Then write the next character in each column horizontally

  • Continue with each row till you are done

  • ( Stop the timer/ Record your time)

Round 2

  • (start the timer)

  • Write the characters in the specified order, this time complete each column's characters all at once before moving on to the next column.

  • ( Stop the timer/ Record your time)



Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Wake Up In The Morning


Everyone has a morning routine... 

But not everyone's morning looks the same. Some involve pets, others kids, some are breakfast people... while others are not. 

In this virtual agile game, we adapted the popular "Wake Up In The Morning" game. This game comes Jeff Patton's book "User Story Mapping". Steve Fraser and I collaborated on this template together to bring this amazing game to the Miroverse. You can watch the video below on this page or on m YouTube channel about how to play. Full instructions are also provided in the template as well.

This game is a great exercise for story mapping, iterative development, creating an MVP, Sprint Planning, and much more. It can also be a great way for new teams to get to know each other.

- Keep On Learning!



Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Chocolate Bar Game

In this game your players will be mostly customers while the only a few players will make up the team and PO. It works great for teams of 5 and up, but you may need to make multiple copies for teams over 10. By the end of each round the customers will answer yes or no if they would buy the candy bar.

This game is not so much about chocolate as it is about satisfying customers while under constraints. This game will also get you to empathize with the product owner as well as the customers and create great conversations/analogies around the constraints you may face in your current organization.

Can your team satisfy your customers? Put your product ownership to the test and have some fun with this great game.

Check out the video below for an idea of how to facilitate the game and some of the conversations that it created for us.




Userlevel 3
  • My name: Johanna Torstensson

  • I am Agile Coach in Sweden

  • Category: Team building

  • Miro board


  • What is it?
    The Moon Landing exercise brings people together to navigate a high stakes survival situation! :rocket::full_moon: It is ideal to stimulate the problem solving capacity of your team. It helps your team to practice communication, assertiveness and self-confidence to stay alive in the hostile environment on the moon!
    The Moon Landing exercise was originally developed by NASA.
  • When to use it?
    Moon Landing exercise is a team building activity that will reveal how your team deal with problem situations in extreme circumstances when time and resources are limited.
    You can use it to build your team and develop their team working skills anytime during their journey together.
  • How to run it?

    This Moon Landing exercise can be done in any group size. The template is created for 9 people but can easily be adapted to any size of your group, by duplicating the Ranking sheets so everyone has their own copy.

    During the assessment step you will break up in smaller groups of 3 for efficient discussion and decision making.

    Time needed for this team building exercise is 90 min in total.

  • More detailed process steps how to facilitate the Moon Landing exercise are found in the Miroverse template.

    Enjoy! :slight_smile:

    Regards, Johanna


Userlevel 3
Badge +2
  • @Vincent Schnor (a Company Board by @Netzwerkknoten)
  • Agile Coach & Organisational Consultant @Netzwerkknoten
  • Category: Team Building
  • Instructions are in Miroverse & on the board
  • Title: Open Space Remote Edition
  • Link: https://miro.com/miroverse/open-space-remote-edition/


Userlevel 3
Badge +2
  • @Vincent Schnor (a Company Board by @Netzwerkknoten)
  • Agile Coach & Organisational Consultant @Netzwerkknoten
  • Category: Team Building
  • Instructions are in Miroverse & on the board
  • Title: Hybrid Culture Canvas
  • Link: https://miro.com/miroverse/hybrid-culture-canvas/


  • Your full name: Romy Oceane Smith
  • Role and company: Scrum Master, Stint

  • Mention category: team building, Icebreakers

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access): 


  • Instructions (included in the template)

3 minute Video (

Icebreaker Islands, Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration - 10 January 2022 - Watch Video




The ‘Icebreaker Islands’ template is all about team building. It ties 6 icebreakers together into a single game that can be played in a single social event or over a series of weeks.

It was created to build team bonding exercises into your teams’ process. 



  • Any team (ideally sized 4 - 8*)

This is particularly beneficial for:

  •  Relatively ‘new’ teams;

  •  Teams in need of stronger interpersonal connections;

  •  Hybrid or Remote teams with a strong culture but who need to maintain it (remotely).



  • This was designed to be built into a recurring weekly or fortnightly team meeting. For example, a project check-in, virtual ‘drinks’ or even a team retrospective.

  • It could also be played as a single game. For example, to introduce colleagues from across teams in a virtual company social event.


How Does it Work?

  • Your journey begins at ‘arrivals’; where you and your team will play the first of 6 challenges.

  • You will then travel across all of the ‘Icebreaker Islands’, discovering a different icebreaker at each one.

  • Once the first 5 challenges are complete, you will reach your final destination: the ‘mystery island’, where ‘X marks the spot’ & you play the final challenge.

P.S. Thanks for running the competition. I always have a lot of fun using miro-based-meetings to achieve my goals for the teams; however, the high standard of templates from across the miro community really made me challenge my miro skills and level up my formatting. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Template: Mood Check In - Christmas 

  • Instructions 

Use this simple mood check in board to see how everyone's doing in the team.

I've created an avatar for each team member and suggest you to add the individuals name below the avatar to make it more interactive and fun.

There're different ways to use the board, for example:

  • Iteration mood check in

  • Quarterly mood check in

  • Daily mood check in

  • Weekly mood check in 

  • PI-planning mood check in etc.

It might open up a few discussions or untie a few things. However I hope you find this simple mood board valuable.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Template: Mood Check In 

  • Instructions 

Use this simple mood check in board to see how everyone's doing in the team. 

I've created an avatar for each team member and suggest you to add the individuals name below the avatar to make it more interactive and fun. 

There's different ways to use the board, for example:

  • Iteration mood check in

  • Quarterly mood check in

  • Daily mood check in 

  • Weekly mood check in

  • PI-planning mood check in etc.

It might open up a few discussions or untie a few things. However I hope you find this simple mood board valuable.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Template: Retrospective - Christmas Edition

  • Instructions 

This is a retrospective with a touch of Christmas.

Start with an icebreaker and share your favorite Christmas movie with the team.

  • Most wonderful time of the year? - Things that made my iteration to a wonderful one

  • How the Grinch stole Christmas? Things that made me feel that the Grinch stole my iteration

  • All I want for Christmas is you - Things that we would like to bring into the next iteration

Tips! Play some music in the background while the team is writing the notes.
