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New year, new ways to use Miro? You better believe it! To kick off the year, we invite you to join our latest community challenge all about maximizing the power of AI with Miro Assist


With Miro Assist, your AI partner for innovation, you can save time on everyday tasks and streamline your workflows to focus on what matters most. In this challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to use Miro Assist, get inspired by different use cases, and have the opportunity to win prizes. Let’s dive into the details:


Miro Assist Challenge Details


To participate, all you need to do is:

  1. Create a board to share how you use Miro Assist in an existing workflow or to solve an existing business challenge. Not sure which workflow to focus on? Here are a few ideas to get you started:
    1. Strategy Development
    2. Customer Mapping
    3. Synthesize Feedback or Ideas
    4. Competitor Research
  2. Drop a link to your board in the comments of this thread that showcases how you’ve used Miro Assist in your workflow. 
  3. Explore unique use-cases and workflows using Miro Assist from other community members. 


🏆Prizes 🏆

Of course, there are great prizes up for grabs. Every member who participates will be entered to win $150 in the form of a Visa digital gift card. We’ll choose 3 winners at random. 


Time frame

  • We will be accepting submissions from January 22nd - March 15th, 2024
  • Winners will be announced by March 28th, 2024


How do I use Miro Assist?

Miro uses machine learning models along with your input to generate content on your Miro board. By choosing certain commands from the context menu, or providing input in the Command palette, Miro Assist can do things like generate images, remove an image’s background, generate sticky notes, and summarize content on sticky notes. Currently, Miro Assist works on the following board objects:

  • Sticky notes
  • Images
  • Mind map
  • Code blocks
  • Cards
  • Sequence diagrams


Miro Assist is currently available for the following plans: Free, Starter, Business, Enterprise. It is coming to Education plans soon. Please note, for Enterprise accounts, you may need your admin to enable Miro Assist for you. To learn more, check out our Help Center for multiple ways to integrate Miro Assist into your workflows.


Please also be sure to keep in mind our community guidelines and terms and conditions as you develop your boards. 


We can’t wait to see how you unlock Miro Assist to power your work!


Over the past six years, as I've used Miro and inquired about others' experiences with it, I've encountered several misconceptions. Some believe that Miro is exclusively designed for:

  • Remote teams

  • IT professionals creating system diagrams

  • Users of Kanban boards who already employ Trello, and thus think they don’t need Miro.

In response, I decided to create a board demonstrating various ways Miro can facilitate almost any process or situation—whether working individually, in real-time collaboration, or asynchronously across multiple teams.

Given my daily use of Miro in diverse ways, this board is just one of many examples on my backlog. As I began building it, certain components of Miro Assist (formerly Miro AI) were emerging. Now that Miro Assist is in public beta, and following the recent announcement of the Miro Assist Challenge in the Miro Community, it was time to move this board to my completed column.

For this example, I chose a fairly generic scenario involving a Workplace Services team primarily dealing with physical, rather than virtual, assets. This serves as my use case to illustrate how Miro can be employed – from reviewing survey feedback to completing actionable work. (The fact that the survey topic relates to parking for hundreds of in-office staff highlights how long this task has been on my to-do list 😯.)

I hope you can take away at least one new idea away from this demo.


Board (with Talktrack)


Hi all, 

Have been having some fun playing with Miro Assist and have created a Demo “Use Case” Board for standardising (for example) a Worksheet to create and test a Business or Product Proposition.

It is still something of a Beta version, I would / will do more but I have hit my Miro Assist budget limit for the month so I have frozen the piece and added a Talktrack for now.

The Talktrack is here: Talktrack

The Viewable board here: AI - Proposition Workbook

Do please feed back any comments and suggestions.

When my budget tops up again I have plans to add the Widgets in to some of my Strategy Boards etc … 


Best regards  David B.

💡 The Ideas Generator" for the Miro Assist Challenge !

R SPRINT proudly steps into the future of facilitation with our groundbreaking entry into the Miro Assist competition. As pioneers in template-based workshop systems, we've spent over five years crafting templates for Miro to enhance innovation and smart facilitation. This time, we're pushing boundaries even further with our latest innovation: prompt engineering templates.



🌟 Why "The Ideas Generator" ?

This cutting-edge activity marks a significant leap forward, specifically designed to harness the power of generative AI alongside Miro's capabilities. It's the cornerstone of our exclusive Miro Assist ✨ Masterclass, offering a seamless introduction to templates and AI for newcomers and beginners alike.

✨ User-Friendly, Facilitator-Approved

We believe facilitation should be accessible to all, which is why "The Ideas Generator" comes equipped with straightforward instructions, easy-to-follow steps (as simple as A, B, C), and practical examples. This template is your gateway to engaging with Miro Assist ✨, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience for every user.


🎉 Get Ready for a Miroverse Hit

Destined to be a future blockbuster on the Miroverse, we're thrilled to offer you an exclusive first look at this template. It's not just a tool; it's a revolution in how we think about and implement AI in workshop facilitation.


🔗 Explore "The Ideas Generator"

Dive into the template including talk track and start your journey with Miro Assist ✨ today.

Embrace the future of facilitation with R SPRINT and transform your approach to innovation and collaboration.

Board Link including Talk track : 


Hi all!

For 5 years now I have been a leading brand strategist and Visual Experience Designer at the international strategic agency Mode Team. We specialize exclusively in creating online strategy workshops using our expertise in marketing, product creation, strategic management, psychology and research. In 2023, we were shortlisted for the Top 100 Creators of 2023 out of over 2,000 creators (a selection of the most popular templates and most prominent creators of the year) and one of the 20 most published creators in the Miroverse community.

Some time ago, we were faced with a difficult task: how to create a unique, vibrant and unforgettable brand image on the market and in the minds of its consumers? To do this, we created a template that involves a step-by-step selection of 1 or 2 key archetypes that will determine both the character and tone of the brand over a long period of time. However, without real practice of application/application, the choice of these archetypes was often superficial and in the future clients were forced to abandon it as a hasty and chaotic decision.

Now, thanks to Miro Assist, clients can select several key archetypes and try them on in their company in real time. Namely, they can:
- ask the Miro Assist to return several important character traits of a brand with a given archetype
- ask the Miro Assist to help with the formation of its values
- ask the Miro Assist to say something on behalf of the brand with a certain archetype
- ask the Miro Assist to apologize on behalf of the brand for raising prices too sharply, and etc.
This approach has allowed us to make the brand strategies we develop more practical, as well as to make more customers happier and satisfied.

Try and experiment with the character and tone of the brand using our board and Miro Assist! A comprehensive Talktrack with instructions is located directly on the board.


Fantastic submissions so far! Shoutout to @Robert Johnson, @Anastasia Lebedeva@DavidB., and @Colin for sharing their workflows using Miro Assist. 

We would love to see even more great examples from the Miro community, so if you’re hoping to submit a board - it’s not late. Our Miro Assist Challenge is being extended until March 15th, 2024. Excited to see what you all come up with!

Submission: TBR Content Vision Board

Hopefully I make the deadline! The board was just approved and I had a blast creating this for the Miro Assist challenge!

I present to you all a, "Content Vision Board" template crafted for creative professionals looking to get:

  • Buy in for ideas
  • Facilitate sprints
  • Streamline current initiatives
  • Align narratives across content formats. 

You'll find numerous AI prompts through out the board that will help uncover deeper insights and progress your teams conversation. Additionally, enjoy the talk tracks that provide a concise overview and examples to aid any confusion.

I 100% recommend using this template during a group work session or design sprint to maximize value. I welcome all feedback to make the board better and would love to chat about your current workflow and tools that help you create your best work.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our Miro Assist Challenge! There were so many creative ways you all showcased how we can integrate it into existing workflows - both big and small. If you haven’t already, explore the other submissions for new ideas and inspiration. 💡

We’re excited to announce the winners of the Challenge! We chose 3 participants via random name wheel to receive a $150 Visa gift card, so without further ado….


🏆 Congrats to the following community members 🏆

  • @Tirelle LM Barron 
  • @DavidB. 
  • @Indra Kusuma 

I’ll be in touch over email on how to receive your prize. Thank you again to all who participated - we’re continuously impressed by how each of you make the most of Miro. Stay tuned for our next challenge and if you have any ideas for future challenges - let us know below! 💛


Thank you so much to everyone for participating in our Miro Assist Challenge! We’re blown away by the creative and innovative ways you have integrated Miro Assist into your workflows.

Submissions are now closed for this Challenge, but don’t let that stop you from exploring Miro Assist further.

Stay tuned for the prize winners to be announced on Thursday, March 28th, 2024! 🎉

Can’t wait to see all of the creative and innovative ways our community uses Miro Assist! 

Hey everyone. Here are my findings after testing Miro Assist for the first time:

I made two tests: in the first, I asked Miro Assist to build basic elements of a board; In the second, I asked Miro Assist to analyze the content of a roadmap and give me some answers.

Unfortunately I didn't had the best experience with Miro Assist. I gave some commands but it didn't respond as expected. When I asked the questions related to the roadmap, it didn't go well 🤔

You can check the commands and the content it created/responded in the screen shots.
The board can be found here.

I hope you guys continue to improve the feature, it can be very useful! 💫



I couldn’t share links to Miro boards as they contain company information, but let me share a few use cases where I use Miro Assist and I find it useful.


Preparing to workshop or meeting

It helps me quickly prepare the good quality draft for some icebreaker by using “Create Presentation” to create explanation for ice breaker, “Create Image” to create a visualization and “Create stickers” to create interactive part of icebreaker itself. Here is the example of preparing Human Bingo.

Here are the prompts


and it created quite good results that I don’t want even to change

And together with created presentation and appealing picture the final result looks like that:


Finding patterns

Another useful case is when you have pretty loaded Miro board with a lot of information and you need to find some common threads or patterns.

Most of our teams keep all their retros in one board. And in the end of the year or a quarter it is important to reflect if we have patterns or unresolved issues that we carry over from retro to retro.

We use Miro Assist to quickly create such list of recurring problems:

And then you go further and ask for some ideas for experiments to solve these problems:


There are so many other use cases as well. It will be even more powerful when they will expand the abilities to create objects from conversation in a chat!

I unfortunately cannot share my board publicly, but I’ll summarize a recent use case that we’ve found very helpful:

Every two weeks we run a sprint retro to reflect on our work and ideate the things that we should Stop, Start, and Continue using sticky notes. After some time for the team to add their notes we work together to discuss and group the stickies. At the end of the session I then select the “Start” stickies and ask Miro Assist to summarize and bulletize the action items into a list, which we then import into our ticketing system to action in future sprints. Assist is especially helpful here for taking our passive ideas on the stickies and reformulating them into an actionable phrase.

@Ingrid Neuman. Hi, I have had a look and can’t see the prompts, can you share those too? It would be interesting to try and replicate what you have done. Best regards  David B.   

@Mary Findley Thank you for taking the time to review the board and for the feedback.

Even at the most exploratory level Miro Assist is proving to be a great tool and quite straight forward and fun to work with. The early responses from a couple of clients is hugely enthusiastic.

I still have many things to refine and more things to try out and I am really looking forward to seeing how it evolves and to integrating it more fully in to some of my workshops and workflows.

For those who haven’t dabbled yet - give it a go!

Just finished experimenting Miro Assist for crafting storytelling inspired by IDEO Blueprint. Decided to show off the result on this challenge.

Through this Storytelling with Miro Assist we learn to create storytelling structure for your presentation or video presentation by utilizing several new features from Miro Assist 🤖


Several Miro Assist features in the experiment test:
1. Big Idea of Your Story - Adding similar sticky notes
Ideally to generate more similar ideation at glance, combining with shorten text to make it concise.


2. Story Arc Experiment - Change Tone
Very helpful to ensure the tone relevant to your audience


3. Expand Storyline - Generate mindmap
Limitless possibilities to find the right element for the storyline


4. Prototype Your Story - Rewrite for clarity
This one I found it very useful to iterate the statement to be more focus and direct.


5. Finalize Story Blueprint - Ask Me Anything
Helpful to create summary of the story blueprint faster either per section or overall.


6. Generate Storyboard - Generate Image
Last most exciting part yet it takes several time to train the Miro Assist to generate relevant images for describing storyboard on each scenes.


Try to experiment further using Miro Assist on your own, you will find various surprise and delight result on each features. 

Happy experimenting!💛

@DavidB. - just watched your TalkTrack! Incredible work. I love how you’ve broken down the different steps and sections - it’s so comprehensive. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! 

@DavidB. - thank you so much for sharing this! So pumped to dive into it. Love that you’ve added a TalkTrack as well to guide us through the board. 

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our Miro Assist Challenge! There were so many creative ways you all showcased how we can integrate it into existing workflows - both big and small. If you haven’t already, explore the other submissions for new ideas and inspiration. 💡

We’re excited to announce the winners of the Challenge! We chose 3 participants via random name wheel to receive a $150 Visa gift card, so without further ado….


🏆 Congrats to the following community members 🏆

  • @Tirelle LM Barron
  • @DavidB.
  • @Indra Kusuma

I’ll be in touch over email on how to receive your prize. Thank you again to all who participated - we’re continuously impressed by how each of you make the most of Miro. Stay tuned for our next challenge and if you have any ideas for future challenges - let us know below! 💛


Woot woot!! 🎉 This is fantastic and big shout out to my fellow winners! Cheers to the community and many more challenges :)

Cheers 🥂

@Indra Kusuma what a creative submission! The steps you’ve outlined are so clear and I love how you’ve incorporated multiple ways to use Miro Assist into the storytelling process. Thank you so much for sharing this with us all. Looks like it would make a fantastic Miroverse template. Def submit your board here!

@Tirelle LM Barron Thank you so much for sharing this! Incredibly organized and well structured board. 😍 This content vision board has so many use-cases. You definitely nailed the integration aspect of this challenge - Miro Assist is woven in very seamlessly. If you haven’t already, this would also make an awesome Miroverse template. 

@Yehor Kachanov this is such a fun use-case for Miro Assist! I know we’ve all been in a situation where we need a team ice-breaker and can’t think of any ideas. It’s so cool that you took it even further to create a presentation. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

@Ingrid Neuman I really appreciate your submission! It’s interesting to see where Miro Assist is still falling short and could be improved. Appreciate you taking time to explore and keep the feedback coming!

@Anastasia Lebedeva Awesome submission! Appreciate you including the Talktrack as well for additional context. The board is really well structured and I love how you included tips for using Miro Assist - great for beginners!

@Boris Petrovitch Njegosh Love your submission! It’s so versatile and allows for multiple Miro Assist uses. The toolbox on the bottom is a such a fun and helpful touch. Thank you for sharing this!  

@Robert Johnson It’s been a bit since you submitted, but don’t worry - we didn’t forget about your amazing submission! It’s super clear and love how it’s a manageable amount of steps - great for all levels. 👏
