Restricting student access

As a teacher navigating distance education (online and in class but spaced), how do I restrict student access to just when I am working with them? Or just be able to edit their own work? I have had students delete my work and change my work, and change the work of other students.  I foresee problems if the student has access to a board and then goes back into a board while I am offline.  I also must protect against students adding inappropriate material or comments into a shared board. Please help me figure out how to promote collaboration without giving the students the open forum for mischievousness.  

@Emily Laidlaw -

The only way of preventing access when you are not actively using the board is to share/unshare it each time you start/stop teaching. I can’t think of a way to prevent users who have edit access from adding inappropriate content as that could be anything from images to media clips to content in a text box.

However, this is no different than the physical world where if a student has access to a whiteboard and markers, they could write/draw something inappropriate when the teacher isn’t looking...


Is there a way to restrict them from changing/deleting/modifying my work (tutor) as well as the work of others?

Hi @Maria-Irina Georgescu 
You can try to use Protected lock. Students can use it as well, for example when they’ve finished their work and submit it for your review.

Another suggestion is to give each student a dedicated board (as a teacher you’re not limited with the number of boards).

I am planning to use Miro in the tutoring project, but I would like to know if Miro will consider add these advanced editor permissions:

1. By default can be set board area editable or visible by members and guests, example, I want to set board only can be modify by me and a specific member.

2. After open the board, I want to draw or place 4 areas(A, B, C, D,) which areas will show me options to set edit and view permissions, I will set area A editable only for student A ; same setting for students B, C, D. Then an public area visible for all, but only editable for me and member with edit permission.

So I will be able to place content in the public area to run the class, then I will be able to place content in each student area, each student will only see public area content, and their assigned area content.

3. Will be help much too if I can instantly change each student area permission, so in some case I can set 4 students areas as vieweble for all students, but not editable, the purpose is like something say, hey... See, how all students working... Student can take a check the work of others students... Exciting to know others work... 🐼

This will resolve the problem of this topic.

Note: Students are guests

So the same board can be visited by students, but only editable (their area assigned) in the moment of class or meeting. After they leave the session, the permission will lose, so they can see the public area content, but can not see areas of students... At least the teacher or member assign they again in the moment. 

I am planning to use Miro in the tutoring project, but I would like to know if Miro will consider add these advanced editor permissions:

1. By default can be set board area editable or visible by members and guests, example, I want to set board only can be modify by me and a specific member.

2. After open the board, I want to draw or place 4 areas(A, B, C, D,) which areas will show me options to set edit and view permissions, I will set area A editable only for student A ; same setting for students B, C, D. Then an public area visible for all, but only editable for me and member with edit permission.

So I will be able to place content in the public area to run the class, then I will be able to place content in each student area, each student will only see public area content, and their assigned area content.

3. Will be help much too if I can instantly change each student area permission, so in some case I can set 4 students areas as vieweble for all students, but not editable, the purpose is like something say, hey... See, how all students working... Student can take a check the work of others students... Exciting to know others work... 🐼

This will resolve the problem of this topic.

Note: Students are guests

This would be a dream come true for all of my students and I. I want to expand on the idea further:

#1 - Imagine regions or frames of a board that grant edit permissions for certain signed in users.
#2 - Now imagine setting view permissions for those frames as well. So a student’s progress could be kept confidential and hidden from others until they CHOOSE or the teacher chooses to “publish it” for others to see. The hidden frame graphic could be animated with black and yellow bees buzzing (Miro brand colors), like a teaser, saying “Busy at Work” - if the student is interacting currently.

Can you imagine how pumped everyone would be to get their ideas down before others can see?

This would be like taking a classroom of Google Slides templates and making it spatial.