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I have a problem during file upload to the board
that File size is exceeded

Is there some way to upload a such image?
may be some additional parameter or something else?

curl --location '{boardId}/images' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer token' \
--form 'resource=@"imageToUpload.png"'
"status": 400,
"code": "invalidParameters",
"message": "Maximum upload size of 6000000 bytes exceeded",
"type": "error"


Hi @Pavlo Holovko , 

Unfortunately not.

But I can certainly pass this feedback along to our product teams. If you could elaborate on your use case, then it would help us also understand how much impact this may have for our developer community.


Hi @Pavlo Holovko 

The error message you are seeing is correct - there is currently a 6MB limit for image uploads. We are going to add this to the documentation soon to make it more clear. 

Is there some way to upload a such image?
may be some additional parameter or something else?

sure lets try)
