Generate JWT using node.js

  • 23 February 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi there,

Currently I’m working on implementation MiroBoard for not registered users, for registered users everything works well, but for not registered users I need to generate JWT, I generated it but it seems there’s something wrong with it.

Can you please share some examples of JWT generation for MiroBoard using node.js?

4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hey @Rostyslav Laba !

We recommend using libraries suggested here

If you scroll down the page, there are libraries for node.js as well, you can use them. 

Here’s what we suggest on our docs:

Hey @Rostyslav Laba !

We recommend using libraries suggested here

If you scroll down the page, there are libraries for node.js as well, you can use them. 

Here’s what we suggest on our docs:

Thanks for your answer, I generated a token according to your documentation, using library that is present in, while creating I got error picker.cbf5e318a197c8b7a6c1.js:2 Bad Token: undefined; Reason: anonymousBoardsNotAllowed

I added to openBoardPicker option allowCreateAnonymousBoards: true,


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

This usually happens when your app is not yet enabled on miro side (that’s a pre-requisite for anonymous boards).

Have you filled this step of the doc already?


This usually happens when your app is not yet enabled on miro side (that’s a pre-requisite for anonymous boards).

Have you filled this step of the doc already?


Yes, last week we emailed to you, and asked about condition of our request (width clientID) and you answered that it’s approved. Can I share my clientId with you?
