Hi @Tim Höfer ,
I’ve also experienced the same thing today. About 4-5 boards with essential discovery topics and content is missing.
Hi @Rohan Jagannath and @Tim Höfer ,
Yes the same thing happened to me and my colleague today. Important frames on a board completely disappeared overnight and the activity stream does not seem to indicate this particular deletion. I also wrote a ticket to support. We are also on a paid plan.
If you find a solution or receive feedback from Miro, could you please post it here as well? Thanks!
Hopefully it’s a bug that can be fixed!
( @Marina )
I have the same problem. Have sent my request to Miro’s support team. The worst thing is we can only backup our boards on paid plans. And there is no auto-backup functionality.
And there is no auto-backup functionality.
Yeah, I mean we are on a paid plan, but having to download backups manually kind of defeats the purpose of using a cloud solution in 2020. Especially when using the same board for several activities over a longer period of time.
We have downloaded backups before, but mostly for sharing templates without having to worry about permissions (pre-Miroverse). There is also no robust versioning, which I would consider pretty important for a collaborative cloud tool. I was surprised clicking on an item in the activity stream didn’t bring me back to this state.
Hello guys, same thing happend to us. We’ve lost about 4 frames on one board with essential work. The board was still fine last night at 12pm (Berlin time) and when we got back in today, half of the content was suddenly gone. We depend on this content for an important workshop and although we are on a paid plan, we have not made any back-up because so far Miro worked without any problems.
If anyone knows a solution, please let us know.
Hello All,
Same thing happened to our team today. We are on a paid plan and heavily rely on Miro for our content. I have called them and left a message and no reply yet.
Hopefully this get’s resolved soon as this is causing our business significant issues.
I think Miro needs to have auto-back up features.
I have called them and left a message and no reply yet.
Same. We submitted a ticket but haven’t heard anything back so far. Luckily, our most important workshops are done, but we lost a ton of documentation. I am slightly displeased with the lack of response, if this had happened in the middle of a project we would be in big trouble.
Hello All,
We also lost the majority of our board today. The activity log does not indicate any deletions and the missing boards appear to be randomly removed. Our UX development is currently blocked due to this issue, hopefully the data can be recovered.
Hello All,
We also lost the majority of our board today. The activity log does not indicate any deletions and the missing boards appear to be randomly removed. Our UX development is currently blocked due to this issue, hopefully the data can be recovered.
very frustrating. hope this gets resolved soon!
The same thing happened yesterday. I worked for months on the corporate strategy and today I found only fifth part of previous content I created before. There is no explanation. I didn’t delete any content. Can anybody know what really happened yesterday?
Hi there, keen to follow this thread as I’ve also lost 95% of a board that my team and I have been working on for weeks. The content was there this early this morning (Sydney time), then disappeared.
Hoping it can be restored very soon.
Seems to be a further round of disappearing content around 3pm Sydney time. Many of my team are reporting issues.
hi, same problem happened to my boards today (we notice it is 12:00 pm, Singapore time), and we lost almost all the board. Today is our pre day, it is quite urgent and we need these stuff for further study. This is absolutely sad.
Hope the team can fix the problem ASAP! Thanks a lot!!!
Same thing happened to our team today. Much was lost on Tuesday, and more on Wednesday. Hopefully they have a way to resolve it!
Yes. very much needed! We’re considering between Miro and Mural. And right at this moment Miro is down. some of the stuff on our boards went missing entirely. I was horrified to know that there’s no way to get it back. I do hope that it’s the outage that caused our stuff to go missing and they’ll come back when it’s up again.
But this is a horrible experience. The team spent months on it and it’s gone just like that. We really like Miro but this is really scary and it’s not going to work for us.
Yes! I thought i was alone. This super scary experience happened to us too! Please please please get our frames back for us. this is freaking scary. We spent months on it!
Same. About 75% of the board content just 3 hours ago or so.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for reporting the issue. We can confirm that some customers experienced degraded functionality and partial content loss within the past 24 hours. We identified the issue and already deployed a fix.
If you were affected, please reach out to our Support team and share the link to the board with missing content, and we will work with you to restore it.
Our apologies for the inconvenience. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
We just lost 50% of our board as well, about 2 hours ago. Has anyone been able to retrieve their content yet?
This also just happened to us.
Entire project board (6 weeks of work) and 50-60% the contents deleted.
Find it remarkable that there’s no version history on this platform.
Surely one of the most critical features to build, for exactly this reason.
Can you confirm that a restore is possible?
Need urgent help.
Lots of content has simply disappeared off my board.
Has that happened to anyone?
I’m looking over the activity history, but it’s not showing up there either.
Content has simply vanished.
What does one do..
Yup, happened to us as well - probably around 3pm Melbourne time 8th Oct.
Hasn’t affected all boards at this stage, but has affected the most critical board we have used for a 2 day strategic planning sprint.
Fortunately made a copy 12:30pm so not all is lost, however echo the comments of others that greater back-up functionality and version control is essential for a paid product - particularly one that’s designed to get lots of different users in and working together!
We had some quite reluctant first time Miro users for this process, and I’m really hoping this is resolved before anyone panics about what’s missing, as it’s hard to trust a product when everything can suddenly disappear.
Hope this is restored ASAP + longer term fix to address underlying issues. Thanks!
Hi there,
Adding my +1 to this.
We have lost four weeks worth of notes from a board, reeeeeaally hoping it’s a temporary setback and we can get them back 
Same here. Thought I’d accidentally hit delete on a bunch of random elements.
In our case it only seems to have affected boards we had opened up today. I’ve opened a few other boards that weren’t open today and they’re intact.
We run our entire business on MIRO and are not in the habit of manual backups (seems counter-intuitive when you’re paying for cloud hosted software). Hoping this gets fixed for everyone asap!
Hi everyone,
We are so sorry this issue has happened to you all!
Our engineers are on it already. You can follow the updates on the Status Page. I will also post an update in this thread as soon as I hear back from the team.
Marina - I went to that Status Page and all I can see is an incident of boards loading slowly. This incident doesn’t look like it’s listed as a live concern?