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Hello there,


So I am a freelancer who really likes Miro, but don’t need to use it as a team, but as an individual working on my own. 

However, I could really do with being able to export jpgs etc of my boards. 

There’s no tier that currently allows this, other than I think the consultant tier. Am I right in thinking that if I upgrade to that then I will only pay $12 a month but get everything the team level brings for my individual use without the need for a team?


Sorry if that seems a daft question. Just trying to work out the best way to work it.

Many thanks,


Hello Cavan,

in the free version you can export your board as a jpg but only in low resolution.

If you want a higher resolution you have to switch to the consultant plan.

To get your export just do this:
Either you click into the frame like its shown in the added picture or choose the steps in the second picture.

Best regards


Hi @Cavan Scott!

It seems, you are using Safari, and low-resolution export is not supported there :worried:

Please, try Chrome or Firefox to be able to export your board as image. Does it work?


As for your question about the Consultant Plan, you are right - you will only pay $12 a month (billed annually), unless you share a board with someone with editing rights.

Ah brilliant! Thank you Marina!

Hi Mlanders,

Thank you for this. I have the free version but weirdly the option to save as an image is greyed out so I can’t use it. 

