Missing Miro Boards

  • 13 January 2023
  • 1 reply

I recently logged in after the Christmas vacation and every single one of my 30+ Miro Boards are missing. 

I tried to search for the boards via board name, and also for any boards owned by me, or any boards owned by my user-name. All of them came back with zero results. Our administrator can find the boards and they still appear to be owned by me, under my name, but I can’t find any of them. My IT crew did migrate my account from one email address to another (it’s a BIG organisation), and this originally didn’t have an impact. 6 months on however, I’ve now lost access to all. They reinstated my previous team access however none of those boards are visible using the search function either. I can however access the boards if I’ve stored the URL and password and use those to access. Problem is that I can’t remember the names of the recent boards created just before I went on leave, so I can’t get our admin to search for them for me. All boards that I can locate require me to log in with a password (even as the owner). I’ve tried all the suggestions incl. checking trash, searching via different filters, switched between different teams and searched in them both. Help… please!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Davina JONES -

This sounds like a request for Miro support - you can submit it here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center

