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I have a table in my google sheet which fits nicely in a portrait ‘print’ view, but when I upload this to my Miro board it defaults to a landscape with lots of blank columns and then other rows now only visible if user clicks through to other pages.

Can I change this, so that the view of the table is driven by my print settings in google sheet or have a way to change this within Miro itself.



...this discussion is now quite old, but @Wendy Lim did you ever put this in a Wishlist?  I’d love this feature too, so would want to support your request, thanks.

Hi There,

 I have added a spreadsheet to my miro board. However, I have noticed that it creates ‘additional pages’ in miro based on the view and it does not match the exact tab number on the google sheet. Eg, the actual google sheet has 16 tabs (or pages) but it turns out to be 43 pages in Miro and I realised it adds on a page after a certain row count of a particular tab. It is difficult to find the right page to pin to the board. This is difficult for us when we want to use the board to put KPIs or charts. I had a google sheet with over 2000 pages due to some pages having many row numbers. Is there a way to solve this problem? 

@Wendy Lim - The default view (aspect ratio and size) of an embedded Google Sheet does not appear to be customizable. There is also no way to configure the Google Drive integration to display documents based on print view settings.

You can always add these feature requests as Ideas in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know. If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I would also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea. And don’t forget that you can vote for your own Idea!
