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Is it possible to turn off the lasso tool?

  • 5 November 2020
  • 2 replies

Hi, is it possible to turn off the lasso tool?

In a client workshop yesterday a participant managed to accidentally grab dozens of elements and drag them out of main view.  The only way I think they could do that is with the pen / lasso feature…

Any advice would be welcome! 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@DavidB. - Currently there is no way that I know of for a board owner to disable a standard collaboration toolbar tool.

Your participant may have accidentally selected a number of objects using the Shift + drag/click shortcut or using some other combination of keystrokes/mouse clicks/touchpad actions. I always like to start sessions by reminding participants of the Ctrl + Z shortcut to quickly undo these types of accidents.

More Shortcuts and Hotkeys here:

Userlevel 3

Thank you for the speedy response and tips. I’ll add them to my initial client introduction / briefing.

Best regards

