I paid for a whole year of miro, but I didn´t want it

  • 22 March 2023
  • 2 replies

I did a school work on Miro free, but in the free plan I could not download a quality PDF, so I decided to pay for 1 month of Miro to be able to download my work, and I would cancel after paying to not continue paying for more months. But an error ocurred and I was charged THE WHOLE YEAR.

I am a student, and I do not have the money to pay for Miro, without that money I won't be able to get groceries or eat or pay my other bills! I really need my money back, get the 11 months left of money back.

But if I cancel my subscription there are no refunds, what can I do?

Would it be a possibility for me to give my account/licence to someone else and have they pay me?

Please I´m distressed

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@GuestMJVM - When you have a paid account, you can contact the Miro support team directly, who will be the only team who can assist you with this issue. Since you have a paid account, I will convert your post into a support ticket – you should receive an email confirmation about this shortly.

In the future, you can find the support form by following these setps:


Miro Education Plan

You may quality for a free Student Education Plan. Please review this page and, if you think you meet the criteria, complete the application form → https://miro.com/education-whiteboard/

Thank you so much! I will for sure check out the Education Plan, and will look forward to the follow-up of the support ticket you helped me with.

Thanks again!
