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How to reactivate my Miro account with the same email address

  • 11 July 2020
  • 4 replies

So, I had a miro account and I created a random team to just test out the platform. I didn’t needed it anymore. So, i went to delete that team and ended up deleting my account somehow. I received an email and messages on miro that your account has been deleted :/ 


I want to reactivate my account with my old email address. I am allowed to login on here in this miro community somehow but when I login to, the website just keeps on loading and it never finishes. So any help would be appreciated

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Muhammad Abdullah Younas -

That’s something only the community moderators like @Marina would be able to do, but given that you found a solution for this issue yourself, the post might be worth keeping if others happen to follow your footsteps…


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Muhammad Abdullah Younas -

Can you try logging on via Chrome in incognito mode and see if that gets you into the dashboard? If that doesn’t work, I’d suggest contacting Miro support here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center


@Kiron Bondale 

Hey! Thanks for the help. I just tried something out. I asked a friend to create a team and invite me to the team. I accepted the invite and got logged back into my account. 

Now my question is how to remove my above question :smile:

Ah. that’s nice to hear. Cool, Then
